Back in the beginning of March I met with Britney Byfield for a Test shoot. I always have ideas and lighting stuff I’d like to try out. I also just read a great article on the importance of the subject on F-Stoppers.
Britney is a fitness and yoga instructor at various studios and gyms in the city. She was absolutely the type of person I like working with. She was friendly, funny and an excellent fitness model.
So I reached out to a bunch of agencies in NYC. After going back and forth with a few I found one that seemed to be ready to get images for their “new faces”.
New faces are just a way to say models that are new to the agency. Sometimes the are new to modeling in general.
This agency in particular had a separate division for fitness and fit models.
They connected me with Britney and we set up a date to shoot.
I wanted to do more in the series I have been working on. Its as simple of a set up as you can get. White wall or white paper backdrop. One light. Set back about 30 feet. about 10-12 ft. up and angles down depending on where the action is taking place.
In this particular set up I’m looking to simulate the midday sun look. I want a harsh shadow on the wall to mimic the models action and make some cool shadow shapes.
I am very satisfied with the resulting images. I will definitely be continuing this type of shoot with some more models this summer. I will post more soon.
Thanks for reading. If you like these posts I’d love to hear your comments.